we've got a new piece up at arrow factory. Euan Macdonald has made an effervescent night light installation for the rooftop. if you happen to be wandering around after it gets dark, swing by and soak up some of the glow.
An installation and artist book by Euan Macdonald
2010.06.23 – 08.15
Arrow Factory is pleased to present a light installation by Los Angeles artist Euan Macdonald. Taking a cue from the abundant LED lights that line skyscrapers, office buildings, and highway underpasses throughout Chinese cities, Macdonald has chosen to illuminate the space atop Arrow Factory with gleaming blue lights that radiate upwards into the sky. With this, an isolated and insignificant corner of the city is mysteriously accentuated and embellished. Macdonald’s gesture—transplanting the visual language of glitzy, brightly colored lights that adorn contemporary architecture onto the low-rise neighborhood of Jianchang Hutong—might appear resoundingly formal but is imbued with the artist’s continuing interest in inventing, capturing, and recreating the enigmatic and inexplicable phenomena of our lives. The title Take the Dark Out of the Night Time not only alludes to the mystical qualities of light and time but proposes an action that is neither fully rational nor achievable.
Take the Dark Out of the Night Time is viewable seven days a week from dusk to dawn. A small artist’s book will be published in conjunction with Take the Dark Out of the Night Time.
2010年6月23日 – 8月15日
箭厂空间隆重推出洛杉矶艺术家尤安·马唐纳的灯 光装置作品。从中国城市中布满摩天大厦、办公楼以及公路地下通道的大量LED灯获得了启示,马唐纳选择了用向上射向天空的闪烁的蓝色灯光,照亮箭厂空间的 空间顶部。于是,城市中一个与世隔绝的、毫无价值的角落被不可思议地强调了,并得到美化修饰。马唐纳的姿态——将用来装饰当代建筑的耀眼而色彩鲜明的灯光 形成的视觉语言,移植到箭厂胡同低矮建筑的环境中——也许看起来相当的形式化,但充满了艺术家一直以来对于发现、捕捉、再造我们生活中离奇而难以解释的现 象的关注。《为夜晚清除黑暗》这个标题不仅暗示了光明与时间的神奇本质,而且提出了一个既不合理也无法实现的行动。
每周七天,从 黄昏到黎明,都可以观看到《为夜晚清除黑暗》。一小本艺术书也将配合《为夜晚清除黑暗》出版。
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